
Eagle Mastermind Membership    EM2

Who we are:

This is the private membership of Dental Boot Kamp Alumni or Alumni of C3 Results Programs who are Private Practice Entrepreneurial Dentists.  We are not designed as a resource for multiple site Dentist Owned DSO’s.  We are serving the private practice business owner who is dedicated to the growth of their practice through quality dental service, healthy, enjoyable teamwork and ethical business practices.    EM2 is designed as a true mastermind experience with 24/7 ever growing training access for the individual private practice. 

Benefits of Membership:

  • Monthly - All Dentist One Hour Zoom Mastermind for challenge discussion or idea generation.  All calls are recorded and confidential for the Dentists Only
  • Eagle Network private email network for all EM2 Members
  • Monthly Training Webinar available for Team Meetings
  • Monthly Zoom Office Manager / Team Leader Mastermind
  • Monthly Interviews with people of note
  • Departmental Focused Zoom Masterminds as scheduled
  • Special Pricing to all C3 Results / DBK programs
  • A free growing 24/7 training library
  • Mastermind Retreats are planned for 2021


How we are different

Eagle Mastermind Membership is designed to be a relationship based community for practices that utilize Dental Boot Kamp philosophy and skills.  It is a resource for feedback, mastermind and confidential conversations.  We started Eagle Mastermind from the question -  what do you want in a mastermind group?  What do you want to discuss?  How large do you want your community?  We settled on the benefits you see above and I’m sure more will be added or swapped out in time per the groups request.  In addition, dentists wanted to be part of something that was limited in size.  There are several very large associations of dentists that people belong to.  In this one, people wanted a learning and mastermind community which lends itself to a limited number of people.  We are limiting this Mastermind to 100 and will build slowly to that size of membership.  If we grow it will be because the group says -  open the doors. 


Fees and Registration

Schedule a Discovery Call with Suzanne -  Find out if EM2 is a great community for you. 



If it is a fit Suzanne will send you a link to register. 

2020 Annual Fee   $78 per month  or $895 Annual    (lowest fee)

2021 Annual Fee  To be Announced